Our new series is about savoring some of the things God’s given us, starting with the biggest and best–salvation.
Jake speaks on how to savor peace and where it is found.
We’re all so busy all the time – we even take pride in it. Do we really need to abstain from every little bit of work on a “Sabbath” day to experience the rest that Jesus spoke of? Garrett starts with the resting God did back in Genesis and works through the Bible to see what it truly means to rest in Him.
Do you have a Bible collecting dust on a shelf? You’re not alone – only one in five Christians are in God’s word daily. Bryan exhorts us to take our Bibles off our shelves and savor the incredible, living word of God.
Given that our days are numbered, how do we savor the time we have left? Jake reveals a surprisingly simple answer based on his own limited time with his daughter Maggie, the wisdom of Moses in Psalm 90, and some insight from an interview with Aaron, a member of our family who has received some of the worst news you can from a doctor.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. (Galatians 5:1). On a week when we’re celebrating the freedom of our nation (by blowing stuff up, of course), Scott asks what it means to free – and how we’re to live inside that freedom.
19011 Woodinville-Snohomish Rd., Suite 210
Woodinville, WA 98072