Balance: Time

Jake Goetze | Sunday, November 19, 2017

This week, we start a new series on finding balance. Jake digs into a Psalm written by Moses (yes, Moses wrote a Psalm!) to uncover a principle that will change your perspective on your time and how you choose to spend it.

Balance: Rest

Tom Regan | Sunday, November 26, 2017

Our message today is from guest speaker Tom Regan from Imprint Church, and it’s about making room in our busy lives to balance our activity with rest.

Balance: Money

Jake Goetze | Sunday, December 3, 2017

Money. We love it, we hate it, we fight about it, and Jesus talked about it … a lot. Drawing inspiration from the way we balance things in the physical world and from Scripture, Jake talks about the three things we need in order to achieve balance and margin in our financial lives.