Ash Wednesday begins our season of Lent, and it seems the perfect time to come together for worship, prayer, and communion. We’ll see you at 7pm.
Guys, come on over to James’ backyard for some food and fire. We’ll see you at 7!
His house is just up Hwy 9 a bit. Bring a coat!
20328 74th Dr SE
Snohomish, Wa 98296
Baptism is an outward action of an inward commitment. Following Christ has always been more than a private acknowledgement of trusting in Him for your salvation… scripture shows us time and again that outward profession of faith is the encouraged next step of faith.
Taking this step of obedience and discipleship is worth celebrating! We hope you’ll invite your people to witness and cheer you on as you do what Jesus did… be baptized! Signups are open until APRIL 18th so sign up today!